Ticket information and prices
Weekend tickets may be purchased in advance in ticket offices or over the internet until midnight on Wednesday, 11 July 2012. After this date you will still be able to buy your ticket at the above venues or at the Event Venue, but at the regular price.
Ticket prices
Tickets purchased in advance (available until midnight on 11 July 2012)
OPEN AIR Weekend Pass valid for all 3 days - € 25
OPEN AIR Day Tickets
Day ticket for Thursday, 12 July “Day Zero” - € 11
Day ticket for Friday, 13 July - € 18
Day ticket for Saturday, 14 July - € 16
Tickets purchased at the venue:
OPEN AIR Day Tickets
Day ticket for Thursday, 12 July “Day Zero” - € 15
Day ticket for Friday, 13 July – € 22
Day ticket for Saturday, 14 July – € 20
OPEN AIR Pass 4 napos - € 34
The above prices include VAT and tourist tax.
Day tickets are valid from 8 a.m. until 8 a.m. the following day.
RocketRoll Run - Competitor’s Ticket – Following registration can be purchased at the venue.Rocket Roll Run
Special ticket – € 6 / This ticket can be purchased in addition to your entry ticket and entitled you to take advantage of the extra services offered at the event venue (bike performance and condition appraisal, use of moped test circuit)
Orfű residents can purchase tickets to the festival at a 50% discount (personal ID card and address card needs to be presented)
People living with disabilities and a person accompanying them can purchase a weekend pass at the discount price of € 13. Appropriate ID (ID card issued by the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted or the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or disabled photo ID card) needs to be presented.
Children under the age of 12 can visit the Event free of charge, but need to be accompanied by an adult.
Tickets can be purchased from the following network
In certain ticket offices, such as the Budapest offices of the Ticket Express network, a service fee is charged after every event ticket sold. This fee usually varies between € 2 and € 6. However, this opportunity to buy tickets comfortably and in the vicinity of where you live may still be cheaper than having to travel a great deal to obtain tickets. Therefore we recommend that you check out the conditions before buying.
Ticket Express Office
Ticket Express Online
General rules applicable to buying tickets
Day tickets are valid from 8 a.m. until 8 a.m. the following day.
Tickets cannot be returned or redeemed. Tickets are only valid together with the confirmation slip. At the venue tickets are exchanged for wristbands. Tickets are securities, and the penalties outlined in the laws of the Republic of Hungary shall be applied in case of any counterfeiting. Subsequently modified or damaged entry tickets are invalid.
The Event will be held irrespective of the weather.
We reserve the right to change the line-up of events!
Accommodation at OPEN AIR
The services offered by the Panoráma campsite are available from Thursday, July 12 and they are free, if you purchase a pass. If you arrive sooner, the daily campsite fee of HUF 1000 per person will be charged, which includes HUF 200 tourist tax.
Use of the festival campsite and the supplementary campsite are free for weekend pass and day ticket holders.
2 and 4 bed bungalows equipped with a bathroom are available in limited numbers at the Campsite. See here for further information and prices. See here for information on other accommodation.
Motorcycle campsite
If you arrive on a motorbike or in a caravan, it is recommended that you set up camp in the motorcycle campsite. These guarded premises offer plenty of room for your motorbike, your comfortable station wagon or your caravan.